About NII
NII Today
No.96/Sep. 2022
Crystals of knowledge to be discovered
Full-scale launch of CiNii Research
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A hub for a data-driven society "A new platform for knowledge discovery"
ONAMI, Jun-ichi
A new search platform revealing patterns in research
KANAZAWA, Teruhito
Tracking researchers to identify research trends
KOIZUMI, Amane; AMANO, Eriko; IKEYA, Rue
A research platform providing navigation across disciplines
GOTO, Makoto; TANABE, Kosuke; YAMAGATA, Tomomi; OHMUKAI, Ikki; YOSHIDA, Mitsuo
Ever-changing CiNii
No.96「Crystals of knowledge to be discovered Full-scale launch of CiNii Research」
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