Event News
Talk by Prof. Guenter Mueller: "Why so much Attention on Civil Security?"
August 22 (Tuesday), 14:00-15:00
National Institute of Informatics
Room: 19F, 1903
Why so much Attention on Civil Security?
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Guenter Mueller, University of Freiburg
Civil Security has become a recent political and scientific paradigm.
Refugees are seen primarily as a security issue; the modernization of airports and factories is all about surveillance and screening technologies not about the comfort of travel or easier work. Major sports events have main publicity because of imagined or real security risks. The measurable increase of productivity, the accepted and demanded convenience for daily life nevertheless renders modern societies ever more vulnerable not only to conventional natural or manmade risk, but also to completely new kinds of risks using networks and having digital technologies to spread around the world. The duality of technical progress and lack of security is caused increasingly by interconnected digital technology whose impact just be observed by trial and error. The scientific methodology for this is the field of study of the to be established Excellency Cluster in Freiburg.
In this dialectic of the ongoing broader cultural transformations digital technologies signify increasingly new hybrid forms of normativety where seemingly technology instead of social institutions impose new norms. The growing global awareness of the consequences of new internet services is a sign of the beginning struggle for new norms. Both the concepts of research into Civil Security are discussed as well as exemplified in a case study about competition and privacy in social networks.