Event News
Talk by William E. Byrd from University of Alabama at Birmingham :
"mediKanren: an interactive biomedical reasoning system"
We are pleased to announce that William E. Byrd, a scientist at University of Alabama, will give a talk about the mediKanren: biomedical reasoning system.
We are looking forward to your participation.
mediKanren: an interactive biomedical reasoning system
William E. Byrd, University of Alabama at Birmingham
December 18th, 10:00-12:00
1512 Meeting Room, National Institute of Informatics
Medical researchers suffer from the lack of a unified way to query over the many biomedical databases that exist for drugs, diseases, genes, etc. As part of the new National Institutes of Health NCATS Biomedical Data Translator resoning tool effort, my colleagues and I are developing a new interactive system--called mediKanren--to perform sophisticated reasoning over these data sources. We are building mediKanren using the constraint logic programming language miniKanren; our approach is partly inspired by the Japanese Fifth Generation Project, but with a modern twist. Many aspects of mediKanren's design, implementation, and use are unusual from a software engineering perspective, and challenge the assumptions implicit in building biomedical applications. I'll discuss our design and implementation philosophy, and share the lessons we have learned that I think are broadly applicable to building innovative systems.
k_tsushima [at] nii.ac.jp