Event News

Talk on "Third Mission - The Transfer-Ecosystem" by Prof. Andreas Dengel from DFKI


Third Mission - The Transfer-Ecosystem @ DFKI


Based on the availability of data and corresponding computing capacity, more and more cognitive tasks can be transferred to computers, which independently learn to improve our understanding, increase our problem-solving capacity or simply help us to remember connections. Deep neural networks in particular clearly outperform traditional AI methods and thus find more and more areas of application where they are involved in decision-making or even make decisions independently. As a transfer institute, DFKI has invented so-called TransferLabs @ DFKI, special framework agreements with industrial and institutional partners focussing on strategic joint research independent from any public funding. This model is the backbone of the DFKI transfer ecosystem. In this talk I will give insights into this ecosystem highlighting the TransferLabs @ DFKI model and give examples how this provides added value to various partners in Germany and Japan, to private and public ones, to large players and SMEs.

Speaker Bio:

Andreas Dengel, professor
Executive Director of DFKI


13:30-14:30, March 6th (Wednesday),2024
