Event News
Talk on "Learning to Do Computational Algebra via Transformer" by Hiroshi Kera (Chiba University)
We are pleased to inform you about the upcoming seminar by Hiroshi Kera (Chiba University) titled : "Learning to Do Computational Algebra via Transformer" Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend!
Learning to Do Computational Algebra via Transformer
Computational algebra has developed various algorithms for processing polynomials, including polynomial system solving, or more generally, Gröbner basis computation of an associated ideal. In this talk, I present a new paradigm for addressing such problems, i.e., a machine-learning approach using a Transformer. The learning approach does not require an explicit algorithm design and can return the solutions in (roughly) constant time. This approach does not necessarily return correct solutions but can be a practical compromise against large-scale problems for which math algorithms run into a timeout. I'll show several successful cases and challenges particular to this approach.
16:30 July 30th (Tuesday), 2024
Room 1310A NII and Online
If you would like to join, please contact by email.
Email :kphalakarn[at]nii.ac.jp