Event News
Talk on "EU AI Act: EN on AI risk management" by Dr. Renaud Di Francisco
We are pleased to inform you about the upcoming seminar by Dr. Renaud Di Francisco, Director Europe Technology Standards Office ,Sony Europe titled : "EU AI Act: EN on AI risk management" Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend!
EU AI Act: EN on AI risk management
As artificial intelligence continues to transform industries globally, the European Union recognizes the critical need to lead both in the adoption of AI across sectors and in the development of AI technologies. At the same time, the EU has prioritized safeguarding health, safety, and human rights, focusing on regulating high-risk AI systems under its forthcoming AI Act.
For organizations, including research labs, compliance with the EU AI Act is essential. One pathway to achieving compliance is through the implementation of European Norms (currently under development). These norms can provide a "presumption of conformity," streamlining compliance processes and mitigating the risk of legal challenges. This talk will explore the concept of risk in AI systems and delve into key elements of the European Norm addressing AI risk management as aligned with the EU AI Act. Additionally, the presentation will examine a critical but often overlooked aspect of AI: its energy consumption. Drawing parallels with the automotive industry of the 1960s, we will discuss how the growing energy demands of AI (estimated to increase electricity consumption by 200 TWh annually) could drive innovation toward more efficient datasets, algorithms, and resource-sharing frameworks.Join us as we uncover how research labs can play a pivotal role in shaping a sustainable, risk-aware AI future under the EU's regulatory framework.
Speaker Bio:
Renaud Di Francesco, *PhD, Fellow of the British Computer Society (BCS), Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)*,
He is the elected *Head of Delegation of Italy for the European Standardisation of AI* and
*He is the European convenor of the CEN/CENELEC/JTC21 WG2/ Task Group on Risk and the Editor of the European Norm on AI risk management.*
He is a graduate from École Polytechnique Paris and Télécom Paris Tech (now part of Saclay University). He has been employed by -France Telecom (now Orange) as a researcher and then as the director of new satellite communications department,
-the European Commission, as project officer for network management and e-commerce R&D, then as the coordinator of Council of European Telecom Ministers
-Sony, first as director R&D partnerships Europe, then (concurrent) Director Digital Cinema Project Europe, and now Director of Europe Technology Standards Office
16:00-17:00 December 9 (Monday)
NII, Room 1810 and online
If you would like to join, please contact by email.
Email :andres[at]nii.ac.jp