
Experts in Information Science

Experts in Information Science: Public-Private Collaborative Training Program

Discovering and Nurturing Young Talent in the Field of Informatics

In April 2020, NII launched the Experts in Information Science program under the Global Science Campus (GSC) sponsored by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), in collaboration with the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) and the Japanese Olympiad in Informatics (JOI). This is a program designed to provide junior and senior high school students and technical college students, who have excellent abilities in the field of informatics, with opportunities to come into contact with front-line research in informatics and to cultivate their knowledge and research skills within that field. Young researchers representing Japan, such as ACT-I and ACT-X researchers, will act as mentors to provide research guidance and advice to more than 40 junior and senior high school students and technical college students from all over Japan, who were selected from the general public through NII and the Information Processing Society of Japan, as well as from among those recommended by the Japanese Committee for the International Olympiad in Informatics. In the first stage of the training process, the students will learn online about research in state-of-the-art information science. In the second stage, they will conduct research under the guidance of mentors. Even after they go on to university, we will continue to follow up with those students who have made significant achievements, such as through publishing papers and other activities. We are also considering providing opportunities for such students to conduct research for a certain period of time at overseas research institutions.
