イベント / EVENT
本プロジェクト「社会システム・サービス最適化のためのサイバーフィジカルIT統合基盤の研究」【略称:CPS IIP(Integrated IT Platform) プロジェクト】は、この分野の研究開発を国内でリードする国立情報学研究所、北海道大学、大阪大学、九州大学が連携して推進しています。平成28年度が本プロジェクトの最終年度で、この度は国際シンポジウムとして国外で進めている研究開発動向も併せてご紹介し、平成27年度から鋭意進めている実証実験と最終年度に向けた取り組みの報告を行います。
司会 : 今井和雄(NII 研究戦略室)
10:00-10:15 | 開会挨拶 安達 淳 研究代表(NII 副所長) 来賓挨拶 榎本 剛 (文部科学省研究振興局参事官(情報担当)) |
10:15-11:05 | 招聘講演 Invited Talk 1 : "Design and Verification of Cyber-Physical System - Challenges and Recent Developments" Dr. Rolf Drechsler, Professor at University of Bremen, Director DFKI Bremen, Germany 詳細を見る Bio:
Rolf Drechsler received the Diploma and Dr. Phil. Nat. degrees in computer science from J.W. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, in 1992 and 1995, respectively. He was with the Institute of Computer Science, Albert‐Ludwigs University, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany and with the Corporate Technology Department, Siemens AG, Munich, Germany. Since October 2001, he has been with the University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany, where he is currently a Full Professor and the Head of the Group for Computer Architecture, Institute of Computer Science. In 2011, he additionally became the Director of the Cyber‐Physical Systems group at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Bremen. His current research interests include the development and design of data structures and algorithms with a focus on circuit and system design. He is the coordinator of the Graduate School "System Design" funded within the German Excellence Initiative. He published more than 300 research papers and over 15 books. He is an IEEE Fellow. Abstract: New challenges need to be faced during modeling, design, implementation, verification and test of Cyber‐Physical Systems (CPS). For the design of hardware and software in this context, new approaches need to be developed, taking into account also non‐functional requirements. This talk gives an overview on challenges and recent developments with a special focus on verification and correctness. |
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11:05--11:50 | CPS-IIPプロジェクトの概要 安達 淳 (NII) |
11:50-13:00 | 昼休み | |
13:00-13:50 | 招聘講演 Invited Talk 2: "CPS projects on Dynamic Architectures for Autonomous Mobile Embedded Systems and on Energy optimisation and Cyber-Physical Systems in France" Dr. Michel Diaz, Director of Research Emeritus at CNRS, France 詳細を見る Bio:
Michel DIAZ is Director de Research Emeritus of the French CNRS at the LAAS-CNRS laboratory. He was Director of the French Research on Architecture, Networks, Systems and Parallelism, President of the French research on Communication Networks and member of the board of Directors of LAAS-CNRS. He led and is or was expert for many European and French programmes and projects. He served as a Chairman or a member for many Program Committees. He is the editor of eleven books, has written one book and published more than 300 technical publications. He has received the Silver Core of the IFIP, the Senior Membership of the IEEE, the membership of the New York Academy of Sciences and is listed in the Who's Who in Science and Engineering. Abstract: LAAS research on CPS began in 2006 by addressing the emerging problems of future embedded systems, i.e. new embedded systems having a large set of cooperating objects and services with adaptable behaviors using a distributed autonomous intelligence, and able to fulfill stringent performance, robustness and resilience requirements. Also, during the first step of this project, an intelligent experimental building, that now hosts about 100 people, has been built as a design and evaluation support. The present work is now being conducted in two large collaborative CPS projects, ADREAM, addressing mainly Smart Sensors and Sensor Networks, Software Defined Networking, Adaptive Software, Co-working and Service Robots, and SYNERGY, fully dedicated to Energy Management, from Energy Harvesting in components to Energy Optimization in grid systems. The talk first discusses the objectives and views of ADREAM and SYNERGY. It then gives the status and the trends of CPS in France. Finally, a selected set of related present French research projects and of a few European projects dedicated to CPS are presented, in the areas of the modeling of systems, on adaptive computing, on human-robot interaction, on navigation testing, and on the multidisciplinary design for CPS. |
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13:50-14:40 | 実証実験1: 都市のスマート除排雪 田中 譲 (北海道大学) |
14:40-15:10 | 休憩 | |
15:10-16:00 | 実証実験2: 人間中心のエネルギー利用効率化に向けて 東野 輝夫(大阪大学) |
16:00-17:00 | パネル(質疑、講評) CPS-IIPプロジェクトのこれまでの成果とSocial CPSとしての今後の課題 パネリスト:安達 淳、田中 譲、東野 輝夫、谷口倫一郎(九州大学) コメンテータ:Dr. Rolf Drechsler,Dr. Michel Diaz モデレータ:今井和雄 |
17:00 | 閉会 |
東京都千代田区神田美土代町7 住友不動産神田ビル
参加費 無料(定員150名)
平成27年度CPS研究会 申込みは締め切りました。
国立情報学研究所 サイバーフィジカル情報学国際研究センター
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